How Many Inches of Snow Before You Plow? [Commercial Plowing 101]

How Many Inches of Snow Before You Plow? [Commercial Plowing 101]

How Many Inches of Snow Before You Plow? Snow Removal Tips

Sometimes snow falls slowly and won’t stick. Other times, it’ll bury your business and parking lot. Thankfully, businesses like ours have the know-how to get you through these tough situations. There’s a lot you can do to protect yourself and your business from dangerous winter weather. Knowing how many inches of snow before plowing is an excellent start, but there are a few more things you should know before a snowstorm arrives. Continue reading for four tips to prepare your business for snow removal services.

4 Tips to Prepare Your Business for Snow Removal

Tip #1: Know When Snow Removal is Necessary

Snow removal should begin before snow starts to stick to the ground and at the beginning of the storm, whether that be salting, shoveling, blowing, or plowing. Do not wait until it’s too late to start shoveling your property, otherwise ice patches can form and cause dangerous situations. The harder the snow is, the more difficult it will be to remove. It’s also smart to be efficient when spreading salt and calcium chloride.

Tip #2: Check Weather Alerts

During the days leading up to a snowstorm, consistently check weather alerts and advisories. By knowing when the storm is going to start, you can plan ahead and contact your snow cleaning provider (at least 48-hours in advance) to confirm service. This will ensure they have all necessary equipment ready and will arrive at your building during scheduled intervals throughout the storm.

Tip #3: Measure and Make Plans

Having a plan from the start is your best bet at tackling a snowstorm. Make sure everyone in your building is aware of your snow safety plan. Alone or with your snow removal company, create a plan outlining the crucial areas that require clearing first. Knowing what takes priority can help keep the important areas clean and safe throughout a snowstorm. This may include sidewalks, walkways, parking lots, store fronts, and other key areas.

Tip #4: Stock Up on Supplies

Ensure your building has shovels, spreaders, an ample amount of salt, and quality squeegees to make it through the snowstorm. Protective mats are also extremely helpful for sidewalks, front entrance ways, lobbies, and hallways. If your building owns its own equipment, such as blowers, plows, and brushes, be sure they’re ready to tackle the storm after sitting unused for months. They should be tested and working properly before the season starts and undergo annual maintenance.

Choosing a Snow Removal Company for Your Commercial Property

There are many factors to consider when choosing a snow removal company for your building.

Things to Consider:

Rates: Some companies charge hourly for labor, time, and materials while others charge per inch of snowfall. It’s also possible for larger properties to have a seasonal contract with a flat rate.

Availability: Snow removal businesses often fill their schedule quickly, so it’s best to call in advance. It’s recommended to find a service in the summertime or early fall at the latest.

Equipment: Inquire what types of tools they’re planning on using and if salting will be performed. It’s best to know how much work you may have to do on your own and what’s included in your service.

Insurance: Be sure that your snow removal company has proper liability insurance and is covered for snow removal, mostly for slips and falls.

Partner with Safety Facility Services for Snow Removal

To stay safe and informed this snow season, work with Safety Facility Services. We provide customized winter safety strategy plans to accommodate NYC and NJ properties. From street storefronts to large business complexes, our team is ready to help. Beyond snow removal, we can provide enhanced disinfection cleanings, carpet cleanings, floor maintenance, window cleaning, and more. Keep in mind snowstorms can cause lots of dirt and salt stains on the exterior and inside of your building, so partnering with a facility provider is a smart choice.

If you want to learn more about how Safety Facility Services handles snow removals, contact us online.