Green Cleaning Services for Your Commercial Building
The green and sustainable movement transcends all industries. This responsibility often falls on companies rather than individuals, making it essential to implement throughout your business practices. If you’re looking for ways your company can go green, start by asking your facility services provider for green cleaning services.
What is Green Cleaning?
Green cleaning means using no toxic chemicals and avoiding non-recyclable items. Part of green cleaning is also sustainability, which helps to maximize resources and identify efficient cleaning methods. Overall, green cleaning aims to reduce the health and environmental impact that harsh cleaning products and methods emit.
Is Green Cleaning Better Than Traditional Cleaning?
In short, yes—green cleaning is better than traditional cleaning. Whether you’re a building manager of an office, educational facility, or other commercial property, green cleaning is the way to go. It benefits both the people occupying your building and the building itself.
By using green cleaning products and methods, you can improve the air quality, which helps prevent allergies, asthma, and viral infections. It also helps to create a more sustainable business model, which reflects the current environmentally friendly trend. Your employees, customers, and tenants can be assured their building has the best interests in mind.
With this being said—green cleaning is an all-around win!
How is Green Cleaning Different Than Traditional Cleaning?
Now that you know the short answer, here is a more in-depth analysis of the differences between green vs. traditional cleaning.
Green cleaning uses different products, machines, and methods to be more environmentally conscious. Equipment used is also more efficient, meaning it will use less energy and resources. Further, a cleaning provider that values green cleaning will have a more efficient and eco-friendly product acquisition process. They will also provide sustainable options for your building, such as utilizing paper products with recycled content or switching to hand dryers.
How Can My Facility Provider Help with Green Initiatives?
One way your building can implement a green initiative is to secure points under the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EB: O&M) Green Building Rating System. Many older buildings are inefficient and resource-depleting but can be turned around drastically with some changes to building operations. If you manage an educational, retail, data center, warehouse, distribution center, or hospitality building, achieving a LEED certification will help you create sustainable operations.
So, where does your facility provider come in? If your current provider doesn’t already have a CIMS-GB certification, consider switching to one that does, like Safety Facility Services. A CIMS-GB certification is crucial for cleaning companies for two reasons.
First, the CIMS (Cleaning Industry Management Standard) aspect. This means we were 3rd party assessed as a professional, credible, and customer-focused organization.
Second, the GB (Green Building) aspect. Beyond the qualifications above, we also demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and green cleaning. This means that we are qualified to help our clients secure points under LEED through a comprehensive green cleaning strategy.
If you’re interested in implementing green cleaning services for your commercial building, contact Safety Facility Services online.